Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday Night: The Pregame turned into the game.

So there's supposed to be this party up on the Hill for a snowboard DVD premiere (everyone who lives around us is really into snowboarding & skating)..not really me & Erin's thing but there are supposed to be 5 kegs plus jungle juice so we decide to just get drunk and go. 

Luckily we hadn't finished much of the Vodka from last night, so we made ourselves drinks around 10. Mixed drinks are a little harder for me to drink (especially since I tend to put a little too much alcohol in them) so I move on to shots after drinking only about half of my vodka and cranberry. 

Our neighbor, Brad, calls and tells us to come over so he can pick up some 40's and we can head up to the party. We bring the vodka. I'm 2 shots and half a drink in. Erin's about a half a shot and 3/4 of a drink in. So we get to Brad's and drink a little more (I take a couple more shots & Erin refills her drink) 

At around 10:45 we get a call from one of our friends who is at the party and, shocker, the cops are breaking it up. So we're frustrated because there's nothing else we know of to do, so we go to the liquor store and pick up a box of wine. 

I guess the vodka hits me pretty soon after we get back, because all I remember is that we were going to play wine pong. Erin says we went back to our place, ate, and I passed out on her lap. 
They drank a little more wine, watched the snowboarding DVD, and then went to bed. 

Not too eventful, but we've been blog slacking. 
Happy, Anthony?

1 comment:

MyDrinkingHabits said...

Very happy. You make me proud my fellow alcoholic.